My tinny little space to express my feelings.

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    Welcome to Max Elmo's blog. There are a lot of things that I shared out through this platform. There are posts regarding to my life, gadgets and technologies, web browsers review, world latest news and cars. Hope you enjoy reading my post and if any comment and inquiries, you may drop me a message here. If you like this bloggy then do add me in facebook and twitter as well. Do help me improve my blog and my language. Have fun people! =) cheers!

  • Happy Birthday Lee Zhi Yen

    Happy Birthday to our beloved best friend LEE Zhi Yen! Omg! can't believe that you're in 23 years old now! hahahaaa! good job dude. Due to his birthday we actually had made a thing to surprise him! We actually called to the Malaysia Radio Station OneFM and dedicated our wishes through the FM. That was sooo awesome when we heard that wishes in the radio. Hahaaa!After that, we went for a BIG FEASTA in Kota Damansara to had our birthday celebration dinner. You might not know where is "The Ship", but I can say that it was an awesome food been served and the customer services also should be given praised of!

  • 7 Gang Gathering Night 2013

    This is the photo that we managed to take before we went back. Eventhought not all the members were attending but still, we are contented with the amount of members that managed to attend while they were busying with works by now.

  • Welcome to my room! Posting and interface is under maintenance now. Updating as of April fool day 01/04/2013


Archive for July 2009

The Fallen has ARISE~

hi there, there is such a long time that i never touch or tidy up my blog here. Ouch~ so SAD that my blog is soooooo dusty now... haihs~ please bear with me! its because due to my assignments and entertainment over here made me kinda sooo busy with my life here.

These months what did i done huh~ curious rite... lemme do a fast flash back to 4 months backward :

end of february : the Mr. Inti result had announced and im the 1st runner up only.
[2] Sports Feasta
[3] Service Cell
[4] Exhibition Week
[5] Facilitator for May intake
[6] Street Party
[7] Malaysian Cultural Night
[8] Blood Donation Organizing Chairperson
[9] Co-Modelling for Mr.Inti participants
[10] Orientation Night for May intake
[11] P.A system for Children Camp 5 !!
[12] Trip to Bagan Lalang (Sepang GoldCost) for club event
[13] Fashion Rehab from DAC club

And lot more ! hahaaa.... list till here is more than enough already.

There are a lot of up coming event !!
[1] College Model Angel competition (TARC,HELP,INTI,Sunway) a lot more! final will be in Inti-UC
[2] Inti Ball (Promp Night)

more post will arise soonn~~~

The Fallen.

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