hi there, there is such a long time that i never touch or tidy up my blog here. Ouch~ so SAD that my blog is soooooo dusty now... haihs~ please bear with me! its because due to my assignments and entertainment over here made me kinda sooo busy with my life here.
These months what did i done huh~ curious rite... lemme do a fast flash back to 4 months backward :
end of february : the Mr. Inti result had announced and im the 1st runner up only.
[2] Sports Feasta
[3] Service Cell
[4] Exhibition Week
[5] Facilitator for May intake
[6] Street Party
[7] Malaysian Cultural Night
[8] Blood Donation Organizing Chairperson
[9] Co-Modelling for Mr.Inti participants
[10] Orientation Night for May intake
[11] P.A system for Children Camp 5 !!
[12] Trip to Bagan Lalang (Sepang GoldCost) for club event
[13] Fashion Rehab from DAC club
And lot more ! hahaaa.... list till here is more than enough already.
There are a lot of up coming event !!
[1] College Model Angel competition (TARC,HELP,INTI,Sunway) a lot more! final will be in Inti-UC
[2] Inti Ball (Promp Night)
more post will arise soonn~~~
The Fallen.