I love this school so much because you yourself wont feel that under a big stress...thou,
we still need to study ourselves la to face exam...ahahahaaa!!
As i heard from someone or teacher(forget already) its says that 90% count on our efforts and 10% count on teachers explaination only....so in conclusion STUDY IS FOR OUR OWN BENEFITS
Here are some pictures that i sempat to take during FREE PERIODS
( without their knowing ) thats only NATURE Captions xD
See i told you all earlier...our sch very FREE dee... can sit and gossiping everytime everywhere
From Left is Fuiyen(6 A 5) vs Ruishuang(6 A 4)....hahaaa! and the blue shirt guy is hongjun...
now you can see clearly our school is a FREEDOM school...so what u waiting for! study in SMKTHO is your FIRST CHOICE (help school advertising)
(p/s : tomorrow is monday means its SMKTHO pembubaran Parlimen for MPPPU 2008.More pictures will be uploaded next week...stay tune with me! )